Prevent Dehydration

Dehydration can occur suddenly or over time, and may interfere with cognition vis a vis reduced mental clarity and physical performance. Studies show that dehydration symptoms can range from mild to fatal, and you may not even know you're dehydrated! On the other end of the spectrum, in 1995, 600 people reportedly died during a summer heat wave in Chicago. So, when in high temperatures, be sure to hydrate properly and take time out in cool areas to help prevent the cumulative adverse impact of heat exposure. If there is no air conditioning for you to cool off in, find a shady area and stay hydrated as much as possible.

Research shows that dehydration can result from many internal or external causes, and not necessarily from hot temperatures. For instance, exercise, medical conditions, medications, inflammation, diabetes, alcohol consumption, etc., may be causes or conditions which contribute to dehydration. If dehydration becomes severe, reduced blood flow to the brain and body, may leave you in a state of confusion and weakness. So, its important to learn and be aware of dehydration signs and symptoms. According to the National Institute of Health, when you are becoming dehydrated, you may have increased thirst, dry mouth, cessation of tear production by the eyes, cessation of sweating, muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting, heart palpitations, and lightheadedness (especially when standing), which may manifest in heat cramps, heat rash, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, CALL YOUR DOCTOR and get some help.

So let's talk about hydration. While its important to drink several glasses of water a day, sometimes water is not enough to balance out the electrolytes in your body. According to leading American sports and fitness scientist, Dr. John Heiss, mental and physical performance is strongly related to the body's biochemical reactions to certain salt balances (electrolytes). It has been very hot in Los Angeles this week, and I noted this issue addressed with a few of my students who came off of a basketball court and took measures to properly replenish their electrolytes. They seemed ready to play another round - and once refreshed, seemed impervious to the heat!

I've personally found that when my electrolytes are replenished, I am aware of enhanced mental clarity and improved physical performance. As a Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) survivor, I can also tell you that although the cognitive and physical after-effects of chemo-therapy have been challenging, nutritional enhancements definitely have boosted my energy and cognitive performance.

PS. Wear light-colored and loose-fitting clothing when outside in the heat. Do drink plenty of water and carry a personal fan or mister to cool yourself!
About this Author

Too often many sports drinks have sugar or caffeine; however, Hydrate, a new bio-available electrolyte supplement, comes in tiny stick pack can fit in a pocket! This Stevia-sweetened alternative sports drink is only 15 calories. It quickly replaces lost salts and minerals, and adds C and B vitamins to sustain energy. Use it at workouts and outdoor events where sweating, activity, and heat stress cause fluid loss. All the best! Visit